fix dinner and clean the house
It will not matter a few months from now: something else will be important. So why not simply choose now what is to be important, and still fix dinner and clean the house?
:- Doug.
It will not matter a few months from now: something else will be important. So why not simply choose now what is to be important, and still fix dinner and clean the house?
:- Doug.
Life is an art form. For some.
:- Doug.
Eldering is mythopoeia, the work of story.
:- Doug.
Significance, purpose, and place are all about relatedness, about touching the world about, about movement. We live only and to the extent we bump and flow through.
:- Doug.
Wisdom is its own robes and cowl, even when naked and spat upon.
:- Doug.
There are the young-old and the old-old; those who have elected to cross the threshold are elders and sages respectively. Some old-old are merely suffering from disease and falling apart; sages have the same conditions as a sidelight, or even spiritual exercise.
:- Doug.
It’s becoming less getting my message out and more us telling the larger story.
:- Doug.
Elders are fertile.
:- Doug.
The turning can be about death—death of body, death of ego, rebirth of soul. We are about to separate from mere adulthood and seek our initiation into something more we cannot predict.
:- Doug.