Confess your sorrows
To a priest, confess
your sins
to a brother-sister, confess
your sorrows
to whom they represent,
these draw you near
draw near
:- Doug.
To a priest, confess
your sins
to a brother-sister, confess
your sorrows
to whom they represent,
these draw you near
draw near
:- Doug.
This is life
This is love
:- Doug.
Dig in uni-verse
enter the surroundings
deeper sounds higher
:- Doug.
As we go deeper enter the surroundings in this uni-verse the deeper notes are higher.
:- Doug.
My earlier question of whether our anger politics is caused by our chaotic climate, arises in new form: are we less than consciously aware of the moodiness of the sky and so have become moody? Do we see how uncontrollable is the weather and ask How could I have caused that? What could I possibly do? What in our collected way of thinking—and beyond that, our attitudes, our mood, what we choose to attend, money or people or all of nature—might lead us out of despair into the surrounding wonder?
:- Doug.
Reminder: so much of what we see as problems are not out there but what we make of what’s out there.
:- Doug.
is what we think
standing next to our enormous problems
so what we feel is
:- Doug.
The day after 9-11
When the skies were quiet
And we grew soft with one another
The people flew their flags
And the next day the companies
Flew their flags to
Get sales
:- Doug.
My belief system is deeper, wider, and more roomy than before.
:- Doug.