Map or calculate?
Map might be the concept close to truth for elders’ preferred way of seeing the world, as opposed to say calculate or analyze.
:- Doug.

Map might be the concept close to truth for elders’ preferred way of seeing the world, as opposed to say calculate or analyze.
:- Doug.
In my late teen years, Spirit was strong for me. Still is, but not the religious part. The spirit is strong, and the questions revolve around things less important, such as the shape of divinity, the personage of divinity.
:- Doug.
I have my own faith, my own unresolved questions. No longer either of my parents’ (I’m not sure I ever knew theirs), nor either of my children’s. This is a sign of having passed my own threshold. My speaking of it a sign of having returned to community to share the boon.
:- Doug.
The art is in inventing and discovering that this pigment will set off that hue just so. Ars beyond scientia. This is where comes in bring all of me.
:- Doug.
Spirit is to religion as
CPA is to tax preparer
Mystic is to spirit
as lover is to expert
as sailfish is to swimmer
:- Doug.
Follow the twigs and branches
the ones further out
are closer to the divine
then again
we do not see the roots
:- Doug.
Shush your mind. Open. For the larger that wants you. Thing the big small too you has that still is.
:- Doug.
Eldering views you might choose:
family view, holy view, human view;
religious, psychological, political;
for people, for life, for love
Or choose not to choose, grow bitter, die
:- Doug.
Eldering is a beginning, a muddle, and a beginning. When we get to the meat we will find a Great Muddle. The only way through is muddle through. Meet the dragons, dig into the abyss, step through the looking glass.
To what end? No end, another beginning. Elders do not have the answers. They have the view. Maybe a vision.
To what end? No end, another beginning: gathering in what they can view. At long last.
To what end? No end, another beginning: giving us their hand. Being. Beside.
:- Doug.
This is a decision road we are on. Here we are asked to take life consciously. We cannot un-travel this road.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1666
Why do bad times, deaths, floods, fires, and collisions bring us together in profound ways? Perhaps because they give us an opportunity to do what’s in our blood: take care of one another. This is more needful to us than our own food, clothing, and shelter.
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Our eldering work is a turn of the winepress, a squeezing out of redder essence. Essence not of mere hand and brain, rather of heart and soul, love and generativity.
:- Doug.
Who you are is why you are. Who you are is ultimately your task in the world.
:- Doug.
The turning then is to see that in the gratitude, in the despair, is your essential you seeking to express. Will you turn? Will you attend? Will you act? Will you be? Why have you come here, now? Will you bring all of you?
:- Doug.
What is the essence of your living? How does speaking to the future generations and the past help you discover this. How does it help you find your fire?
:- Doug.
It is facing your dying to see that you have something to give. It is facing your world and its dying beside you to take a stand, do a work. If you are to die well, then you must learn the essence of your own living.
:- Doug.