application for activation
Wisdom needs application for activation.
:- Doug.
Don’t let yourself get trapped in seeing yourself separate from all around.
:- Doug.
Imagination flares from the sparking of two or more currents (a/k/a persons).
:- Doug.
Is imagination (or some near relative of it) of the essence of conversation? Allowing that others are both different and the same is of imagination. Allowing that we are all background and foreground is also. As is seeing the ephemeral nature of boundaries such as skin and ears. Flow, ideas, imagination—these show us the dance of conversation.
:- Doug.
The wisdom from aging arises from a longer view. My longer view is that all is moving, is conversing. So a class in wisdom is a class conversing. I need to hear you—to take you into me—as much as I need to be heard. This hearing constitutes us a living whole.
:- Doug.
What’s something you’ve noticed about current events you’ve not heard anyone else say?
:- Doug.