Are we whats?
Can total empty hold relating?
What relates to what?
Is a what necessary?
Can movement relate? Of course.
Can moving move without a res?
Are we whats?
Or no thing else?
:- Doug.
Can total empty hold relating?
What relates to what?
Is a what necessary?
Can movement relate? Of course.
Can moving move without a res?
Are we whats?
Or no thing else?
:- Doug.
If I am empty, I can contain more. This speaks to calm, to opening possibilities, to relating relatings.
:- Doug.
void holding
all possibility
emptying my
mind for flowing
:- Doug.
Tell us about your garden. What’s its pull on you?
:- Doug.
What affected you profoundly from 9-11?
:- Doug.
What pulls you out of yourself and simultaneously into your truest self? Where can you lose yourself, lose your sense of time, immerse yourself?
:- Doug.
We are on a journey of ever beginning.
:- Doug.
What do you find brings you peace…or whatever your life most desires?
:- Doug.
Tell us about a family’s tragedy you experienced some years ago.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1643
We have no edges
only permeabilities
our only abilities
Please pass it on.
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Tell us about someone who died.
:- Doug.