Kill first?
Why is our policing these days, Kill first, ask questions later?
:- Doug.

There’s conversing going on
beyond seeing and hearing
perhaps subtle, ephemeral
so for us
:- Doug.
Everything converses with everything
whatever pieces we add to the puzzle
push others off the table onto our floor
and we have to clean up
this is not cause to give up
rather to rejoice:
we can and do touch the world
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1640
It’s a leaf-bug
said the Mom to the children
Fascinated we all watched
It crawl over us
Unafraid—it and us
Counting as divine love
Its differentness
Please pass it on.
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There is a conversation within our bodies (and heads) as well as between persons: with and between cells for instance when seratonin is produced and received and then your finger moves or “a light goes on” in your mind. Meaning turns. This dance, this symphony goes on all around and within us continuously and mostly without a conductor or a score.
:- Doug.
I don’t want to talk about wisdom, but share ours: hear others’ truths, say and hear mine, encourage us all to give action to whatever we turn up.
:- Doug.