What’s to fear of wisdom?
Wisdom: What’s to fear that we must go fearlessly?
:- Doug.

That we are only conscious of a small part of the world that meets us is not only true, but necessary, and beneficial. We are met by a world so rich and diverse…. We cannot see all that meets us, be it microbes or the air we walk through. We cannot attend the light blue tiny flowers by the side of the road and watch the child playing between the parked cars. This goes beyond concentration and dedication. Numberless beings pointing out infinite creations to attend.
:- Doug.
So courage! Speak your truth, look for strong interactors, find each other. Keep life in the world, among its humans. You will find one another. Not every one of us will be willing to speak up and respond to you (but we are here, more than you guess); no matter, you speak up in our stead.
:- Doug.