What helps you recognize wisdom?
What helps you recognize your wisdom? When? During certain actions? A particular time of day?
:- Doug.

What helps you recognize your wisdom? When? During certain actions? A particular time of day?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1639
This is sacred work you are doing, accountant. You are making the holy, business owner, broker, politician.
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Watch your breath. Be faithful in the small things and you will become capable of being faithful in the larger.
:- Doug.
What if we, like plants in an ecorange, are no more than three links apart from a strong co-interactor? You and I are both key to deep growth of creation. It is likely more complex than that. It is important we find and make conscious the strong interactions in the human weaving and unfolding. This may mean speaking more explicitly (unfolding) our part in the human project.
There is in this hope that we find one another: we may only sing our part to 3 or 7 others before we find our inter-attractor. The more looking, the more made explicit. (The hope resides in our love for loving, that is, conversing.)
I am looking for perhaps you.
:- Doug.
Conversing is the threshold itself threshing, moving back and forth; we sometimes step in and out, it sometimes moves to include or exclude.
:- Doug.
Rather than narrow myself to one work, I can work on each thing, seriatim. Today for grandchildren, tomorrow for conversation, the next project for the sacred earth.
:- Doug.
The greater community, the greater home: are we at home in the universe? With billions of billions of beings? With those who do not look or sound like us, who have more or fewer legs or eyes or mouths? Am I? I hope so.
:- Doug.
So I need to speak out, for the good of all. Speak out for conversation, love, the greater home, the grandchildren, the sacred.
:- Doug.
“I only desire sincere relations with the worthiest of my acquaintance, that they may give me an opportunity once in a year to speak the truth.” H. D. Thoreau, Journal, Aug 24, 1852.
What’s interesting at the moment about that quote is the expressed desire, perhaps more universally held, that we each want to speak our truth, yet do not have the opportunity or method or don’t recognize we have them. So we must make them. This speaks to my condition.
:- Doug.