We can refuse to meet
We can refuse to meet. Or we can meet. We are changed either way: calcified or flexed.
:- Doug.

We can refuse to meet. Or we can meet. We are changed either way: calcified or flexed.
:- Doug.
Happening, not beings. No stream twice same. No human happens twice same. Whether meets or refuses.
:- Doug.
Where the direct way was lost
Maybe in Dante’s dark wood
Indirect ways open to us
:- Doug.
A threshold, a choice point, conscious or unconscious or subconscious or partly conscious, a fork of possibilities, a meeting place and a non-meeting place, betweens: all of these aspects of happening among two or more beings. Midst, thick, encompassed, enfolded, unfolded, surrounded.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1635
Worlds within worlds
Wheels within wheels
The businesses, the egos,
The children two footed and four,
Finned, winged,
The worms, the beetles, and viruses
Each has a right
And duty
To live
Interlocked, nested, feeding back,
Immersed, embedded, making new harmonies,
Eating and creating waste,
Emerging alive, dying,
Ejected, eliminated if not helping, in that way helping
Food for the whole system
Worlds within worlds
Wheels within wheels
Please pass it on.
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Becoming a we is riding a bicycle: continually falling and catching ourselves, coming back to our fall line.
:- Doug.