What is difficult about wisdom?
What is difficult about wisdom? What challenges you? Are you wise?
:- Doug.
What is difficult about wisdom? What challenges you? Are you wise?
:- Doug.
Are you enthralled by this idea of a project that takes several lifetimes to complete? There are no guarantees it will be complete, and in any event, we will never know if it is. Yet here is something we must do, cannot do otherwise. What can it mean these days to do something to the glory of God? Or to stir men’s blood? Do we even have the capacity any more to dream that big? Have we become so accustomed to large projects done in a year with large machinery that we cannot see bigger still? Been there, done that, stars’ the limit, ho-hum? Maybe we have given up the notion that anyone can be a part of something larger, only the “big” people can do that?
:- Doug.