Not the tool
Not the tool
is crucial to the art
but the art
coming the artist
:- Doug.
What if in each development of life, we open the doors of perception most relevant now? So in child-rearing time we see what is good for the children, good for earning keep for them. In old age we see the past and the future and the world larger, longer term. We see beyond our own noses and bellies. Not simply a bigger view, a touching of what is beyond. A mystery.
:- Doug.
The issue with a multi-generation project is that it takes away the sense of a tangible end point, now. We, these egos, will not reach the finish line. At once this kills our self and enlarges it.
And yet…. The difference between the 200 year cathedral and “Creating a better future for the seventh generation” is more than tangible-intangible or concrete-abstract. It stirs human blood. It gives us something larger than my one life’s small needs to fill. It is about a sense of moving that something forward.
:- Doug.