For possibilities unpredictable
Open space
not for possibility
for possibilities
not for number alone
for things smacking
you in the face
:- Doug.
Open space
not for possibility
for possibilities
not for number alone
for things smacking
you in the face
:- Doug.
Especially when I am assailed by many and varied thoughts, the more I am able to let them out of my grasp, the more the water of my meditation runs clear.
:- Doug.
Water in the sky
Darkens our day
Preparing to rain
Grass in our mouths
Oil too in transported meats
Greenland melts in our exhaust
Look: our world is quite strange
:- Doug.
Our nature is both persistent body and change: the greater of these is change. Eventually our bodies decompose; our changes are ever changing. It is to be sure harder to embrace change. To be sure is never granted in our world. We want to rest, to arrive, to grasp stability. We can have that (for a time) if we do not become attached to it.
:- Doug.