Overcast incinerating
Overcast skies, humidity in the air: moisture permeates our bodies and lives. Such is the nature of spirit: encompassing, embracing, infusing: igniting or incinerating.
:- Doug.

Overcast skies, humidity in the air: moisture permeates our bodies and lives. Such is the nature of spirit: encompassing, embracing, infusing: igniting or incinerating.
:- Doug.
The time line of old folks, if it exists at all, might just be with a long past tail, an interminable now, and very short future headlights. If we then, as carefamily, are living in a time line where the past is short, the future long, and the now almost non existent, how do we begin to converse with one another? Our boundary lines are not seen and therefore tripped over by each other, our references do not refer, our logic makes no sense.
:- Doug.
To prepare for this conversation is to limit it. It would then not be conversation. Best to go empty.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1595
Centuries long have we
Developed our maize
Built our cabins and cities
Seeded the thunder
To our larger
Let us turn
To our humanity
Please pass it on.
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Oh, friend, this is such a large world, I cannot see it all. Large out there, larger in the betweens.
:- Doug.