Boundary between sacred and profane time
Kairos and Chronos come close to marking the boundary between sacred and profane time: the time which we are in, and the time which flows by.
:- Doug.

Kairos and Chronos come close to marking the boundary between sacred and profane time: the time which we are in, and the time which flows by.
:- Doug.
The world is conversation
Just you and me
Thee and thou
Us and them
Him and her
Only us and us and us
All in here
And no out there
:- Doug.
What is the meaning aspect of conversation? Is it simply It, Thou, Us, Poetry, Making. Are these the only meanings? Maybe. On the other hand, can we see these as one domain together, and there being other domains? These all relate to how we converse, where we go with our conversation. We can have training, protest, creativity, reorganization. These can be mapped to It, Making, Making, Making and Us. What other meaning realms are there? There is religious and larger spiritual. There is activity—getting a job done. There is problem solving. There is screaming. There is relationship growing and mending. There is keeping others at bay. There is killing. There is building. There is working together. All of these map to these five. There is transmitting wisdom to the next generations. There is transmitting life. Still these five, stretched. Meaning may be a clue to what the next step is, and it may be where we are now: seeking meaning, led by Freud and Jung in the 20th century, and seeing now conversation. Could conversation be meaning? I do not know. It certainly can transmit and transform meaning.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1594
If you say something challenging for yourself and others, you can indeed learn something with your own mouth open.
Please pass it on.
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Maybe we are headed toward a coming together, to seeing a way to work within our diversity and multiplicity to something that speaks to us all? Life? Even that is not agreed upon, for some see a next life as reason to threaten this life.
:- Doug.
Wonder if embodiment, process, pattern, and meaning are the first four of more, and what the next step might be. We have developed as things, then life, cognition, and meaning. What is the direction of this progression? The fact has been that emergence is surprise, its appearance is not predictable from the past. We can only see it from the vantage of the furthest development so far. Teilhard sees a development toward an Omega point, a coming together in one. That may be what will happen. Was reflection predictable from cognition? Maybe. Double reflection, reflecting on our reflection might be, and then again is sometimes exhibited. Who are ahead of us, exemplars who might exhibit a way? Mystics? Computer geeks? Popes? Philosophers? Terrorists?
:- Doug.