War and terrorism
War and terrorism are forms of conversation.
:- Doug.

See how conversations have unfolded over the eons: from the imagined grunts of cave people, to two people watching the stars, to our tribe around the campfire, to towns and councils and congresses, to letters, to telephones, to the Internet. Our world grows smaller as the reach of our conversation grows larger.
:- Doug.
Time is what we measure with a tick and a tock. No two ticks are the same; all tocks are relative to what we do with them.
:- Doug.
1. All life is conversation.
2. Conversation is the coordination of actions.
3. By coordinating actions we bring forth a world.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1590
We exist in conversation and we continually weave the tapestry in which we are embedded. We bring forth our pathways by speaking them.
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