wraps me in its intrigue
Every day I see something new. In this way life pulls me on, wraps me in its intrigue.
:- Doug.

Every day I see something new. In this way life pulls me on, wraps me in its intrigue.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1589
Trump, voter anger, “the outsiders” are “global warming.”
The times they are a-changing. Unfolding. The world is turning. Evolving. The old guard is experiencing loss of control. The world is heating up. Syrian mass migrations to Europe. ISIS super-terrorism. Russian slow motion invasion of the Ukraine.
Something is going on. Turbulence like our new weather. Death throes of the old ways? Birth pangs of something not quite born? Will the baby be welcomed or frightening? Will we come together or pull apart?
As our population increases we are pressed together. We are forced to notice others. Will we hate, fear, love them? Will we want what they have? Power, money, water? Will we imagine what they have and want that?
Battles are just now starting, like storm systems rolling in. This is human weather. Humans can make choices. Yes we need rains and snows, even lightning. We also need clear skies and sun. Each is a choice: for us or against us. Life or death.
Please pass it on.
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All’s a conversation: one with others, birds with wind, horses with flies, cedars with snows, you with me. Making clock time for the conversation is impossible: it is designed to be fixed spaces that tick away without mercy. Kairos time is time of the gods: flexible, stretching, turning corners, allowing humanness, allowing for conversation among humans and humans with time itself. Kairos is time in conversation with human spirit.
:- Doug.
Chronos is about business: Dollars and Numbers. Kairos is about life: its beauty, its goodness, its truth—that life matters. Nurturing matters. Mattering can happen in an instant.
Kairos also takes the time it takes: it comes in the form of flow: clock time passing in a blink, and we do not know how we got to this hour. So it is dangerous, too. But then we come to realize that love is dangerous.
:- Doug.
Truth is, Kairos is about life, not about business. Life matters. Nurturing matters.
:- Doug.