An artist in Kairos
Be an artist in Kairos: here is a way to bring beauty to life, life to flowering.
:- Doug.

Be an artist in Kairos: here is a way to bring beauty to life, life to flowering.
:- Doug.
Consciousness, spirituality, art, abstract thinking, rationality, all intertwine in an intricate conversation.
:- Doug.
The world includes our imaginations, what we can create and almost create, what we fear and what we love. The world is bigger than the reach of our fingers and voices, wider than the time edges of our lives.
:- Doug.
We don’t value life, even in this country. Others may kill in barbarous ways, but we kill just as surely, if more slowly. The evidence is in what the politicians argue about, what the reporters report, what the bosses demand: money, profits, power, death, mayhem. When will we value life, love, and good?
:- Doug.