They live longest who
Perhaps they live longest who have the most to figure out.
:- Doug.

My computer network is like a spider web, with circles and direct lines from point to point. I have noticed the lines are more permanent than the points of contact, or maybe more real is the fact. Then I recently saw something better than web or net—systems, and beyond that conversation. The computer network enables the conversation. The lines are not the fact any more than the persons: the conversation is. Dynamically turning.
:- Doug.
In our deeps, dark
Something is there, moving
If we allow, enters
One like us, mystery
Into our meeting, uninvited
comes one, carrying
us out to waters, unfathomable
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1588
My silence
can open me
to nuances of you
Please pass it on.
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The deep point in us is dark, a drilling into as much as awaiting discovery.
:- Doug.
Every subject is exciting to somebody. Can you imagine how someone could love this one as much as you love your favorite?
:- Doug.
The sky moves, but is it alive? The clouds we are learning are full of living organisms, but is the sky alive? We probably do not yet know enough to answer these questions. Cloud reacts to wind, but does not make choices, initiate, as far as we now know. We know we are alive when we do not just react, but interact. Are you alive? How would we know?
:- Doug.
My life has been a search for words; how fitting I should now be given more for which to search!
:- Doug.
I am entangled in the one who hates what I love, who works against my work. Life unfolds like that: I am called to help entangling.
:- Doug.
The more bird seed I put out the more they eat the more bird seed I need put out. Life unfolds like that: entangled.
:- Doug.
The fact that ethical behavior is at times difficult and even feels unnatural does not deprive ethics of its sacred character. Love is more basic than how we find our way to it.
:- Doug.
Fixing a car, making a quilt: You have an idea and say it. Your friend adds something to it. So does another. We try it out and tinker with it. In our daily life evolution.
:- Doug.
If we first notice our effect we can next put our efforts to use for good.
:- Doug.
In a matter of moments we can find and insert something profound into an interchange; this can infect the organism that is our day, group, and culture. A wink across a room can make all the difference.
:- Doug.