The wind converses with the clouds
The wind converses with the clouds
The snow converses with us
And we with God and one another
:- Doug.
The wind converses with the clouds
The snow converses with us
And we with God and one another
:- Doug.
Holy is the spirit
That breathes between us
Turning us into dialogue
:- Doug.
What should I be thinking
Not thinking
Shoulds get in the way
Of my meditating!
:- Doug.
Snow makes the wind visible
Breath allows us to feel
And smell our human family
Conversing we hear shadows
Of another’s holiness
:- Doug.
Snow is blowing billowing
Round our waiting souls
:- Doug.
Another word for
:- Doug.
Since the world is
in conversation with the world
We are called to the conversation
:- Doug.
The distance is great between being elder and being elderly.
:- Doug.
Clandestine conversations, surreptitious spinning, invisible inviting: Bring.
:- Doug.