Everyday fulfilled
Everyday fulfilled
:- Doug.
If we stand up in fear often enough, we will fail. Because it matters to who we are we must stand up anyway.
:- Doug.
There are living aspects of the universe. You and I may see some of them, others miss them.
:- Doug.
Everything you do changes your life, changes the world, changes what we all perceive.
:- Doug.
This step is speaking truth to power. You could wind up in prison. It could change your life. But everything you do changes your life—if you play it safe, that too.
:- Doug.
The war with ISIS—even remembering “they” started it—is extended, made more violent by our actions. Our first thought is to turn to the military. Here we find predictable answers involving killing in return. Neither side is thinking beyond killing. We have not yet thought of it: there is another way.
:- Doug.
Gathering means also
Gathering all my voices
Gathering resolve, speaking
:- Doug.
You’re not meant
To let God, Jesus, or the Prophet
Do it for you
You have head heart hands vision
You’re meant to get to work
He prayed “God
Rid me of God”
:- Doug.
Deeply offended
Enough to kill!
Recall “greater things than these”
The day has arrived to
Move beyond Jesus
:- Doug.
I have, we all have
embodied the tension among
wholeness and fragmentation
I want to give my real self in love
I want to earn my living and a bit more
which way to lean?
balance is safe
is life, ought it be, safe?
eventually life is used up
so I must choose to teach
which way to lean!
:- Doug.
What did Owen Barfield say about spell? I was thinking of Saving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry. Probably also mixing that with The Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram, which probably does not use the term negatively. I have reference to page 291 of Capra’s Web of Life. Capra was referring to the Hindu maya, the spell of the magic play that our minds put on, which is not the reality, but only a reality. Barfield I think uses idolatry to describe our inclination to turn what we see (our literalness) into the reality.
:- Doug.
Older folks need space to envision
their lives past and future
their meaning and legacy
are we facilitating
and validating their work?
:- Doug.
Any great speaker only
gives us memory stuff
things thought and done in past
ideas well considered
funeral orations
we could be birthing
memory kills the child
:- Doug.