Free. And responsible.
Jesus came telling us we are free. And responsible.
:- Doug.
Be mindful when I am in a setting that might lead to conversation. Depth is unseen because it is under the surface. At times welcomed. One for the group might extend a welcoming hand.
:- Doug.
Can we learn to converse? Doubtful. I can only watch how I converse then respond. You can do the same. Work it is, painful, sweaty, rewarding now, a punch in the gut mostly.
:- Doug.
I hear you. I see a pattern or have an inkling. I speak. You speak your glimpse. She and he add their guesses. We progress. The process is necessary. Daily we impede, daily we facilitate; mindfully choose.
:- Doug.
Which goes deeper, the individual thinker or persons in conversation? I am coming to the place of saying both are necessary, each has places attained. A leap-frog notion might fit, too. Then again, we know that “conscious” is “knowing together.” Both are necessary.
:- Doug.
We don’t all have the same tasks as we age, but we may have the same Work: to get to where we can see our wholeness.
:- Doug.