I fight the establishment
I fight the establishment in part because when I first met it I had not the skills to persuade it. Or even get it to hear me—which is reason enough for the heat.
:- Doug.

I fight the establishment in part because when I first met it I had not the skills to persuade it. Or even get it to hear me—which is reason enough for the heat.
:- Doug.
Why do people want to learn? In part so they can let out their true selves and true abilities. Let’s work there, not on the tool: the learning.
:- Doug.
Meditation/Contemplation seems to flow easily for me when I am in a state tired enough or refreshed enough that my mind just sits, too tired or too sated to jump from place to place. I can even find this comfortable old slipper place at other times.
:- Doug.
The book I am reading seems more psychological than spiritual. Next door to heaven, with a solid fence between.
:- Doug.
Always busy the skies
Clouded now blue
Unmoved ever new
Thundering now pouring
Seldom calling attention
Moving ever moving
Their ways silent silent
:- Doug.