Structure dissipates
Structure dissipates
Diversity creates itself
Activity makes
:- Doug.

We make the path by walking
We make ourselves by traversing
We make each other by conversing
Never were we solids
Always in motion
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1549
My big test seems to be the death of my parents. The lesson was indeed subtle and fine. I have been trying to get it out in the open, poking holes in the grey cloth that covers it and me, all these almost 20 years since.
That might just be the lesson, from an angle: to find one’s true self, one’s essence, to find these within family, tribe, nation, planet, galaxy, universe, mother universe. It is a discovery of distinction and of relation. It is a discovery of engagement, meeting, conversation, poetry.
Please pass it on.
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To get some place far, far different, we have to travel at mind warp speed. Like spirit we must interfuse every “thing” and allow all to interfuse us. Whole can be confused!
:- Doug.
We tell each other stories, do we not? Stories of the future—“Let’s do this;” stories of the past—The heroic deeds of Arthur; stories of now—“We are Republicans, Christians, information technicians.” Our stories are descriptive, but can also be prophetic, calling us to dreams we cannot yet dream.
:- Doug.
Although life might not be defined by conversation, conversation is every “where,” conversation is how we coordinate living actions and even structure. And if the universe is living, then life might indeed be conversation, for the universe converses within itself.
:- Doug.
It is clear to me that every “thing” is context, and that in flux, conversation is how we organize cooperation, every “thing” is in conversation with every (living and maybe including non living) “thing.”
:- Doug.
We don’t see our own
structural coupling because
we only look in short time
:- Doug.
Much less trapped in a skin—and a particular combination of letters—than we had thought. We are free—G too?
:- Doug.
Tomorrow I will contribute more to the world if I sleep well than if I interrupt my rest to attend this meeting. There is little for me to contribute, and seldom at this meeting has there been real meeting.
:- Doug.