sees differently?
How does the one who sees differently from others convey the sight? With the sound of words? With the touch of a hand?
:- Doug.

How does the one who sees differently from others convey the sight? With the sound of words? With the touch of a hand?
:- Doug.
My poetry to ears tuned popular is not so concrete as the most nuanced music.
:- Doug.
In seeking to express the elusive, I am coming to realize it is elusive because it is growing on all sides—in my mouth and out, in my head and out.
:- Doug.
It’s not much of a marketplace, is it, if everyone sells the same wares? We’re just manual laborers welding pre-cast pieces together if we don’t think unfamiliar thoughts.
:- Doug.
straight lines
running ahead of us
leaving us behind
Kairos the supreme moment
fullness of time
the bowl is filled
eternity: not a lot of time
not interested in history
:- Doug.
The pattern we have in common
with all there is
the process of relating
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1550
You and I come in
focus then fade to nothing
brook babbles along
Please pass it on.
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The personal, the welling deeps, the mystery, and the tunnels intersecting: poking holes; poking wholes.
:- Doug.
With each other our task is to bring forth the personal, to find the well spring of the mysterious within each other. Free that and we all are freed. Wholeness becomes more whole.
:- Doug.
Do we in fact create the personal and place it on the divine? Or more deeply, do we bring forth the personal from the divine?
:- Doug.
Our friend is
evidently we fear
our friend for we
avoid deeper waters
:- Doug.
Our challenge
to become persons
to develop relationships
intricate plenary close
humanize the world
the all there is
make personal
:- Doug.
Because of our species’ self consciousness, language, symbols, abstracting, and such, we can and will step out of our role as ordinary animal living, nurturing our young, eating, sleeping. We will mess with our earth household. We will change it. Some changes will be for good and some bad. What are we to do but be careful?
:- Doug.
Your death does not have to be a dis-ease. Neutral it could be, or a good thing.
:- Doug.
Here an answer to my difficulty telling my message: That might be because I am trying to put into linear, analytic, discursive, propositional, rational, oppositional, contradictory, self-assertive, egoic, patriarchal, conceptual, fragmented, abstracted terms, and it resists, I resist, something is resisting. Now I can tell my story!
:- Doug.
The territory holds more than the map. Only the territory tells its whole story.
:- Doug.
I write in poetry
I speak in story
I teach in experience
Invite reflection
Then contemplation
I start back and forth
We complete with hugs all round
:- Doug.
Mass dissipates into energy
Energy autopoieses into mass
Cognitive process the path between
:- Doug.