Thinking slow thoughts
Thinking slow thoughts can be worthwhile.
:- Doug.

What would be a satisfactory, satisfying death? Since the past can be changed by finding a different context what picture could use reframing?
:- Doug.
Maybe the conflict is between the need to control and the need to give forward. The resolution might be in choosing when and what to give. We are too quick to move to resolution: let us stay in this tension a bit.
To know thyself is to live the conflict between keeping my stuff—health, movement, decision-making, home place, place in the world—and keeping the sense of my worth which is passing along this sense to other keepers.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1554
Thanksgiving dinner table game: Thank someone at the table for something.
Please pass it on.
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When paddling a canoe, a steady straight stroke is key for power and speed. A J stroke—changing paddle’s direction and even going backwards—is often more important: for steering, slowing, stopping, maybe a chance to pause and assess before shooting the rapids.
:- Doug.
Of one weave with our life’s cloth
can we make our dying?
pass to family, community, and world
the worth
of our life?
:- Doug.
Our elders deserve our respect. Notice that when we age we deal with Loss and Worth, and these tightly bound in tuggle and huggle with one another.
:- Doug.
Work is energy causing displacement of an object. So then is moving minds and hearts work? “I didn’t think simply talking was getting work done, but I was getting work done,” she said.
:- Doug.
The crisis of poetry
shall we make
death or life?
of all professions, life,
:- Doug.
Come to crisis
Life or death
Knot the tunnels among us
Or fearlessly powerlessly
:- Doug.
Process most malleable
Opening space works hear
Shifting patterns
Showing us structure
can be limber as humans
Trust forms from the Internet seem like just words on paper; moving them around seems like a thing anybody can do. They are as dangerous financially as it would be to download a set of instructions for do it yourself kidney surgery: cut here, suture there….
:- Doug.
Trust documents are labyrinthine: hard to understand. Wills say give this.
In a trust, the house takes two deeds; in probate only one, and sometimes none.
In a trust, it takes opening two bank accounts; in probate often two, but not always.
In a trust, you do the work even if the assets end up gone; in probate you do only what needs doing.
In a trust, you do the work; in probate, your kids do it.
In a trust, if there is a dispute over a bill, your assets are at risk for a longer time (9 mos vs 3) but may present the creditor more hurdles; in probate you can cut off creditors more quickly.
Neither is inherently faster than the other: it all depends on the kids.
Trusts do not have special needs safe harbors; as a practical matter, probate can better protect the surviving spouse in a Medicaid setting.
Why don’t I like trusts? Misused, they are more complex than necessary to do the job. Why do I like trusts? Used properly they can provide protections in complex family settings.
:- Doug.
Trusts are complex for complex situations; Wills are the simple means for normal settings.
:- Doug.
Why are they pushing trusts? So they can do the work now and be paid for it before you go out the door.
:- Doug.
Quantum persons
we cannot predict
specific outcomes
from putting together
several of us
we can predict
centers of our orbits
:- Doug.
Maybe we create the world by what we see
By how we interact with what we see
Maybe there are only our worlds
:- Doug.
Is movement spirit? Process to the body-structure and personality-pattern? Activity to the bodies-structure and meeting pattern? Movement and mind and flooding passion? The sparkling of the brook and the why?
:- Doug.