ears tuned popular
My poetry to ears tuned popular is not so concrete as the most nuanced music.
:- Doug.

My poetry to ears tuned popular is not so concrete as the most nuanced music.
:- Doug.
In seeking to express the elusive, I am coming to realize it is elusive because it is growing on all sides—in my mouth and out, in my head and out.
:- Doug.
It’s not much of a marketplace, is it, if everyone sells the same wares? We’re just manual laborers welding pre-cast pieces together if we don’t think unfamiliar thoughts.
:- Doug.
straight lines
running ahead of us
leaving us behind
Kairos the supreme moment
fullness of time
the bowl is filled
eternity: not a lot of time
not interested in history
:- Doug.
The pattern we have in common
with all there is
the process of relating
:- Doug.