How did people before Gutenberg learn
How did people before Gutenberg learn to read and write? Before the advent of schools?
:- Doug.

How did people before Gutenberg learn to read and write? Before the advent of schools?
:- Doug.
More like a wild and sensitive guy
My weakness was
Always my strength!
:- Doug.
Questions: What choice today, little one? Is the system alive? The length of the coastline, Mr. Mandelbrot? Can you be the same person every year? Where do we belong? (ooh!) Is there more depth to us? What’s a person? What questions can you ask to hold up a social mirror to us? Are hugs important? Are we stretchable?
There are plenty and this gives me the flavor. Questions are shot through us, questions pull our stories forward, the ones we tell, the ones we create, the ones we live. We have only to stop, look, and listen. Yes?
:- Doug.
Perhaps this is a role I can embrace and sing: An asker of good questions. A question-asker, not exactly a questioner.
:- Doug.
What questions might be material for stories? Or maybe the other way around: what questions might stories create for us?
:- Doug.