Reflecting is conversing
Reflecting is conversing.
:- Doug.

Reflection, meaning, and intent give to the moving world quality. Beyond what, where, and how, a who, and a why.
:- Doug.
Conversing at the center tends to explain why everyone is moving away from each other and with alacrity. There is a force akin to dark energy pushing outwards, strong as the attraction akin to dark matter, pulling together.
:- Doug.
If conversing is at the center, intent, purpose, reflection, meaning, and consciousness is at the center of that.
:- Doug.
The world is made up from the center; all this is centers. Conversing.
:- Doug.
Withhold and your larger self will be withheld from you. Embrace and you will be embraced. Participate. Accept your invitation. Be generous.
:- Doug.
The generosity enforced through the tax collector is a legitimate function of government, for one purpose of government is to facilitate community. We are only truly human and self realized when we move beyond ourselves, serving something larger—others. It exercises the power of us to come together.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1543
I like haiku make
the syllables evoke from
winter snows bright red
Please pass it on.
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Drinking in the green of the trees, the grass, the bushes this morning. Green brings us back to reality.
:- Doug.
Have also been thinking of dropping into slow motion, particularly when there is something important to do.
:- Doug.
Flashes and flows
enfoldings unfoldings
of the holomovement
all my relations
all at once
:- Doug.
What do you want if you are dying? Which of the senses are most important to you—do you see what I am saying, hear me, are you touched by what is going on? What do you smell, can you taste of something more juicy?
Are rituals important? Hugs? Beauty? Knowledge? Doing something good for someone else? Teaching your grandchildren? Communing with your dog? Being with friends, children, siblings, grandchildren? Working on closure with others, mutual forgiveness, mending fences? Saying Thank you? Saying I love you? Music? Celebrations? Trips? Experiences? Memorials, memoirs, making sense of your life?
:- Doug.
The notion of challenging is something to attend. I want to challenge the people in my class tonight. I want to challenge my clients. Everybody needs to stretch. How may I stretch myself to stretch those with whom I meet? Take it a step further than I am comfortable going publicly. Let people in.
:- Doug.
Elder caring is the only field of law where I get to openly love my clients.
:- Doug.
It’s hard to tell demagogues from imbeciles
It’s hard to tell demagogues anything
:- Doug.
An open G
I go to fill in
so others will recognize
my intuition closed off
my being suffocating
:- Doug.
Consider the world a being
your footprints mingling in the wind
with those of the thousand-thousand others
all coming and fading at once no time
energy mass same thing you me one dance
no place all here generating alive
consider this world your being
:- Doug.