Belonging and evocative
Belonging and evocative: are these like Participation and reflection? Certainly. Are they like Unity and change? Yes again.
:- Doug.

Belonging and evocative: are these like Participation and reflection? Certainly. Are they like Unity and change? Yes again.
:- Doug.
Question everything
Not to discard
To find its deeper values
How you depend upon it
Question this
:- Doug.
The key to the conversation is belonging to the conversation
The key to the universe is belonging to the universe
The key to spirit is belonging to the spirit
The keystone of all there is is each ever-loving one of us
Remove one of us and the whole falls together because we belong
:- Doug.
There is no word or phrase which can capture and report all reality. There is an emerging view that reality is networked. Therefore I keep turning about and about and saying what I see; now I expect never to finish and always be complete.
:- Doug.
In the next 25 years we are going to have to teach ourselves a never-before heard language.
:- Doug.
Medicine relying on statistics is based on reasoning from the general to the specific. Law relying on stories is based on reasoning from the specific to the general. That’s why doctors and lawyers do not see eye to eye.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1545
ought to be
more than mere words
Please pass it on.
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What’s a person?
Are you a collection of organs
heart lungs skin bones?
Events, relatives, friends?
A meeting time-place of all these
for awhile?
What’s a congregation?
A humanity? A divinity?
:- Doug.
Gestalts, wholes, patterns, rhythms, weaves, waves: parts and wholes. We have kidneys and stomachs while being persons. Our energy weaves, creating noses and toes here and there, unfolding smells here, smelly there, and us all over. You there, I here, us all over. All come and go and yet we continue.
:- Doug.
No particles, no waves, no things, only patterns of amongs. So reflection is pattern picking finding seeing.
:- Doug.
Participation is goodness
Reflection is truth
Their weave beauty true beauty
:- Doug.
When you squeeze the juice from conversing, what you get is participation in one another’s lives, plus reflection for going deeper. Still, drinking the juice is not the fruit of the matter.
:- Doug.
Lawyers tell stories
Doctors tell statistics
Accountants tell numbers
All are necessary
All are life
:- Doug.
Nor does participation flow from you to the other
nor back and forth
instead outward spreads
as water is added
puddles widening
:- Doug.