making room?
The cosmos is expanding, and for all we know, faster than the speed of light. For what are we making room?
:- Doug.
The cosmos is expanding, and for all we know, faster than the speed of light. For what are we making room?
:- Doug.
On a spherical planet, our love lines back and forth between us are bound to become a circle, an embrace, all of all.
:- Doug.
Here’s why this candidate and this demagogue grates on so many and attracts so many: their egos see the world as a one-way street from them to the non-them. This is the attraction: with simplicity they will fix all those bad actors and bad things. This is their danger: they will allow for no traffic from the other direction. They will allow for no input from you. Hitler, Saddam, Putin, and these.
:- Doug.
Flexible boundaries have we.
:- Doug.
Aware of the whole
A very possibility
From watchful waiting
:- Doug.