Existence is relation
Existence is relation: conversation.
:- Doug.

Footprints in the Windsm # 1540
I still fear
my poetry
Please pass it on.
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No thing has absolute meaning. Only the ties, threads, betweens.
:- Doug.
You decided. Before you decided, you saw it in your mind’s eye. How can you be sure you decided, you caused the action? Is there absolute meaning to cause and effect?
:- Doug.
Space time and change inseparable
All things and events a unity
:- Doug.
Your picture of God
The one you’ve got up for sale
Too small for my frame
:- Doug.
An audience laughing and singing at a play is fuzzy. A family crying at a funeral is fuzzy. A physicist getting the equations of the latest theory is fuzzy. A nun in deepest contemplation is fuzzy. Our highest and best is fuzzy.
:- Doug.
A lawyer can be compared to Einstein. Relativity, relativity said Einstein: everything depends on everything else. The lawyer says, It depends.
:- Doug.
The faster something goes the more time it takes. As our communications increase, and increase in speed, our presidential campaigns start earlier and earlier. Notice that Congressional electioneering has approached continuous—that is, infinity.
:- Doug.
Go to your fuzzy edges
where you’re already in communion
with the much larger
:- Doug.
The map is part of the territory
The map seeks to organize the territory
While reality likes the other way round too
:- Doug.
Today is about seeing the unity that seems absent when we jump from one dimension to another: in a plane what we see as back and forth, in two dimensions is something running in a circle; in two dimensions what we see as two circles on a paper, in three dimensions is one torus sliced by the paper. So what we see in the dimension of meditation/contemplation is its own reality, likely above or beyond our ordinary.
:- Doug.
I am white-haired
I was dark-haired
I am that
I am this
I exist
I do not exist
Dimensions three
Show unity
We miss in two
All the same
To me
:- Doug.
This braid needs all three strands
Is part of the same head
All hairs are sisters and brothers
Interdependent, interconnected, interrelated
:- Doug.
If the world is always changing
Then God is ever changing
If the world’s patterns are static
God is unchanging
Such opposites tell us the ways of God
:- Doug.
In the precise center of each of us is the exact center of the universe.
:- Doug.