Ah, humanity!
Ah, humanity! Where are we today?
:- Doug.
Ah, humanity! Where are we today?
:- Doug.
What does this we both just now experienced tell us of the condition of the human family?
:- Doug.
Don’t so much conserve the earth as replenish.
:- Doug.
What is our condition as a human family?
What could we as ordinary people do about it?
:- Doug.
To stem the fragmentation of humanity
To work out the communion of humanity
Is there anything we can do?
:- Doug.
Maybe creation has barely started
Maybe we are good beyond our dreams
Maybe humanity can attain communion
:- Doug.
What larger dream
Can we tell about ourselves
Story big
:- Doug.
Bring the spirit of inquiry
into our living rooms
our Work
:- Doug.
Panorama totality of aliveness
glides flows
is us is
:- Doug.
the Work
:- Doug.