What does the sun get?
What does the sun get?
:- Doug.
What does the sun get?
:- Doug.
The tree! The tree!
Blown! Moving! Dancing!
This leaf fluttering, that
But can I see the tree
:- Doug.
Suggest, evoke, glance
Succulence beyond saying
:- Doug.
Young ears cannot hear
Old ears catch subtle frequencies:
Dying, deepening, sacred
:- Doug.
Array my day
:- Doug.
Vast the emptiness
Vast the openness
We can embrace both
:- Doug.
We can. We’re the only ones who can. We’re all we’ve got.
:- Doug.
We can do the bigger thing. What do you want for our community? We can move in that direction. We. Can.
:- Doug.
No matter
If we don’t do all we can
No matter
:- Doug.
Are we doing all we can for our elders?
Do our eyes see all they can see?
:- Doug.