Fresh green all around me
Fresh green all around me
Lush spring greens
Hue after hue
Dancing with breezes
Calling me out to play
:- Doug.
Fresh green all around me
Lush spring greens
Hue after hue
Dancing with breezes
Calling me out to play
:- Doug.
The only way we’re going to do something is to do something.
:- Doug.
And yet…
:- Doug.
Larger heart
Larger life
:- Doug.
Take the temperature of the group
Take the temperature of the whole
Of which this group is part
:- Doug.
Are you more solid than a cloud? A hundred years from now, a hundred miles?
:- Doug.
There is something bigger than the rain, bigger than the board that hits us upside the head.
:- Doug.
A meditational: Let go plans, stop with explanations, less trying to figure out everything. Let it run over and through you. Take the temperature, accept the wind, the sun, the storms, the lightning. What is, what is coming, what is your gift to add?
:- Doug.
Stop inserting
see what is
:- Doug.
The true nature of the emerging whole
is too ephemeral to be grasped
so play with
:- Doug.