our people increase caring
What have our people done to increase caring? Tell us our stories….
:- Doug.
What have our people done to increase caring? Tell us our stories….
:- Doug.
The work you have to do
Is why you want to
Converse now
For decisions they make
May decide what you yet can do
:- Doug.
Continuously re-encounter
:- Doug.
Conversing does not need people
Talking favorably about conversing
Only talking about conversing
:- Doug.
You’ll probably know before your doctors
Before your family will say anything
Now, before you cannot
Things to do
Last and best gifts
Lessons to share
Hugs to give
Provide for family
Make sense of it all
Forgivenesses, good-byes
Thank yous
Make peace
End well your story
:- Doug.
Death for most of us
No big ta-da!
Expect only a sigh
How prepare to give our last loving?
What blessings give?
What whole-making words and hugs?
What messages?
What send-ons for our family?
:- Doug.
We can realize the value of our gifts only in giving them away.
:- Doug.
In end of life, stories matter and matter most. In stories, what matters is the ending. Here in life we never know ending. More importantly we can make choices of how our chapter ends, how it prefigures the next.
:- Doug.
Hope and fear are two faces of what are not and probably never will be. Courage is the third face: to act in the teeth of both.
:- Doug.
Make friends and change the world.
:- Doug.