Stay away from practical
Think about smaller and especially deeper. What does it look like? Stay away from practical applications, in the sense of making money or business work.
:- Doug.

Think about smaller and especially deeper. What does it look like? Stay away from practical applications, in the sense of making money or business work.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1509
Presence is receptive
Or it is absence
Please pass it on.
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Would you effectively lead out?
The led not the leader
Will choose the direction
:- Doug.
Slow, small, growth. Maybe not growth. Maybe percolating, coloring, flavoring, touching only.
:- Doug.
Smaller takes our world larger. Larger not in numbers and Dollars, but in possibility human. Larger in personal ways. Known, hearing, intimate.
:- Doug.
Smaller and deeper, further. It’s about making our world better: more human, more loving, larger. Seems we could do that.
:- Doug.
With large numbers and publicly
We want to say why, and that surface,
To explain, thinking many are not familiar,
Nor studied, nor may some care;
But with friends and intimate initiates
We can explore, maybe the wonders,
Maybe especially the fertile lands in which we are lost
:- Doug.
What if I sought not more people, but greater depth and collegiality? Since we’re talking of sociation and conversation, this would lead to many small groups for testing hypotheses and learnings, and a spread, if there were to be one, more organically. But the spread would be depth of contact.
Which is what I want most.
:- Doug.
If people want to plod through life let them. But we do wrong to hold them back.
:- Doug.
I am saddened that we prepare these good people a meal of common pablum, taking them forward by inches, rather than working to change their thinking, change their doing.
:- Doug.
Who are we to say these people are not capable, not genius, not best, not holy?
:- Doug.
At conferences do we confer?
What we hear do we run out and do?
Can we meet better?
:- Doug.
The question is, do you believe these people can make our world better? Do you believe you can?
:- Doug.
Do we have an
Eye to keep on the
Heart of what
Life is about?
Is it money?
:- Doug.