What are the deeps? The things that lead to joy, reality, touch. (BTG) Maybe not lead to, but are, more precisely, modifying, acting.
:- Doug.

What are the deeps? The things that lead to joy, reality, touch. (BTG) Maybe not lead to, but are, more precisely, modifying, acting.
:- Doug.
Think about smaller and especially deeper. What does it look like? Stay away from practical applications, in the sense of making money or business work.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1509
Presence is receptive
Or it is absence
Please pass it on.
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Would you effectively lead out?
The led not the leader
Will choose the direction
:- Doug.
Slow, small, growth. Maybe not growth. Maybe percolating, coloring, flavoring, touching only.
:- Doug.