around the corner
Friend looks around the corner
of my window
:- Doug.

With one eye we see two dimensions
With two we see three
What would we see with three eyes?
What kind of eye would be the third?
:- Doug.
Open Space is not about a method but ultimately about freeing people to touch their better angels, the better within them, to touch each other, to free us to see what can emerge. We can surprise ourselves—if we but listen to the genius that is already in the room. No need to defer to the expert from afar.
:- Doug.
Nurses, CNAs, doctors, and social workers find their higher callings to help being quashed by greed thinking. We can stand up for them by speaking truth to power, but even more directly by letting them see their own creative powers to bring love to their workplaces in little ways and large. Give them opening to speak their hearts with one another.
:- Doug.