Name, find, or invite
Name my subject or find it
Invite it from the other
:- Doug.
Name my subject or find it
Invite it from the other
:- Doug.
We stand on the borders
Wonder whether to enter
:- Doug.
We do not mix with God
Unlike oil and vinegar
We are same substance
We need not shake well
We dissolve in one another
:- Doug.
A higher conversation emerges
A higher us as well
:- Doug.
A significant finding, is this “opening life between.” It is shorthand for Opening to the life flowing in the betweens.” And maybe more. Perhaps as Open living between. It packs in a lot. Nuances: the life is already there, we need only open to it. It lives, it flows, it is not an is, a noun, but action. It happens in the betweens of our presences: when presences mix, we are stirred. Maybe to conflict, maybe to imagination, maybe to fold our socks, maybe to speak truth to power.
:- Doug.