The thread, the thread
The larger is in
The small of life too
Sitting, waiting, engaged
:- Doug.

This is it!
This is the larger world
You only have to see it
To be it!
It’s not in New York
Paris nor Shanghai
It’s near South Bend
On Kern Road
Your meditation cushion
Your bicycle
Your committee
Your chair
It’s not doing something
Big or important
Nor shrinking from it either
You are invited
Now you must invite
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1491
Why shouldn’t I invent new words, if there are no old ones that say the thing?
Please pass it on.
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There is a living
something that precedes
cognition and separation
is after them
and envelops them
:- Doug.
Evidence based is a term of endearment in the medical and academic communities. It is otherwise for me. I see it as a way we avoid coming to grips with real people. It converts everyone and every story into a statistic and says we can stop here. We must not stop here. We must see larger.
:- Doug.
I tend toward anger when my heart is not received. Strange! I should tend toward compassion. Compassion for the other. Compassion for my own soul wanting to feel and express anger over the hurt. It is OK to fight, I suppose, or at least assert. But the better approach, the more human and loving approach would be invitation. You have no need to go the direction of exclusively numbers and Dollars, you can go the direction of your heart, soul, spirit, compassion, humanity.
:- Doug.
What will I choose to do with the next 20 years of my life? Or, what will I do for the next 3 until I am crucified?
:- Doug.
Any elephant can hold the tail of the one ahead. If we are not leading out we are not educating. Out: from the old accustomed ways.
:- Doug.
If we can’t do something new, if we cannot offer something discontinuous with the past, we waste our time, we make the world less.
:- Doug.
In this shall all be found alive inside, awake—for we can awaken our liveliness.
:- Doug.
What is this about that I feel the need to consciously connect, to touch the presence each morning and from time to time during the day? I am always; I could not remove. Clues perhaps in “consciously” and “touch:” the work is upon my senses, growing my opening. Even though my lover and I are nearby, we still want to gaze into each other’s eyes.
:- Doug.