No property, no thieves
:- Doug.

Clouds are always busy
Scooting here pulling the winds along
Blanketing the cold
Watering the parched
Nurturing microscopic critters
Calling all colors around sunlight
Silently morphing our imaginings
:- Doug.
Here Heaven is
Now God walks among us
Here is your street
Now pave it with gold
Now do Here be
:- Doug.
I feel I should be expressing this to others, but words fail, I shrink. Paul did not shrink, Gautama did not, Jesus did not. But how many have and do live out their lives doing the quiet things? The nameless monks and nuns in their cells, who make the still center around which the world spins?
:- Doug.
Do we live as consciously in the larger as we are able? If not, is there something to do about it?
:- Doug.