The news I can use is that the larger is here not just in large and significant things but in the smaller, everyday moments and tasks. Recognize, recognize!
:- Doug.
The news I can use is that the larger is here not just in large and significant things but in the smaller, everyday moments and tasks. Recognize, recognize!
:- Doug.
Some of these kept coming so that I was not able to get to sleep!
:- Doug.
In numbers
No thrumpa thrumpa
:- Doug.
Life has more small things
than large
the large perhaps expressed
in the small
:- Doug.
The larger is in
The small of life too
Sitting, waiting, engaged
:- Doug.
I live in a larger world
And invite
:- Doug.
:- Doug.
The larger is in
The small of life too
Sitting, waiting, engaged
:- Doug.
If you’re in it
You know
:- Doug.
This is it!
This is the larger world
You only have to see it
To be it!
It’s not in New York
Paris nor Shanghai
It’s near South Bend
On Kern Road
Your meditation cushion
Your bicycle
Your committee
Your chair
It’s not doing something
Big or important
Nor shrinking from it either
You are invited
Now you must invite
:- Doug.