Diving into your eyes
Diving into Your Eyes, Friend.
:- Doug.

In this shall all be found alive inside, awake—for we can awaken our liveliness.
:- Doug.
What is this about that I feel the need to consciously connect, to touch the presence each morning and from time to time during the day? I am always; I could not remove. Clues perhaps in “consciously” and “touch:” the work is upon my senses, growing my opening. Even though my lover and I are nearby, we still want to gaze into each other’s eyes.
:- Doug.
Started watching a video last night called “Alive Inside.” It is about music and memory, using music on ipods to awaken folks who have turned inside with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Some top people are interviewed and some science is shared, along with some startling examples—a woman leaves her walker aside to dance, an angry man smiles and sings along, the other people in the room light up when the man hearing the music becomes animated and sings. This is touching something larger than the prison-hospital model of nursing homes would authorize.
:- Doug.
The dogs and horses are chasing each other around next door. Perhaps to get warm, perhaps just in joy.
:- Doug.
NB: not “What do you think of” the current news story—that puts it too much in the left brain bulldozer. Instead, we need to find the beauty, the connection, the oneness. Time for truth later, time then for goodness perhaps in a moment.
:- Doug.