People go where people go
People go where people go
People will go where people go
People will go where hearts go
People: go where people go
People: go where your hearts go
:- Doug.

People go where people go
People will go where people go
People will go where hearts go
People: go where people go
People: go where your hearts go
:- Doug.
I am heartened by the long view, seeing humankind over millennia of millennia—and more than humankind—and over vast immeasurable distances. I want to see longer still for surely this view is holy, whole-making, and heartening.
:- Doug.
This Grandpa loves to get on the floor in a pile with kids and tickle, wrestle, hug. Unknown to any of us—certainly to me for many years—there is here a message. We are one. We are. There is joy here.
:- Doug.
It starts with our very first words. Mommy, Daddy, cat, dog, apple sauce. Even the multi-purpose No. Little wonder we draw ourselves apart from other things, from others. Words ingrain in us our separation. With such intensity we insist our young learn language. There are hardly any words which do not split. Here I am trying to use words to bring us together! Together is the Big Secret we keep from our children well beyond a dozen years: you are here because Mommy and Daddy came together.
:- Doug.
Reflect! Reflect! Reflect!
Learn! Love! Converse!
Forward the now!
:- Doug.
With the holomovement
It is never all here unfolded
Learning must go on
:- Doug.
We move
We start at things moving
So we think all life moves
We may touch the holomovement
What do we know?
:- Doug.