coming to rest
coming to rest
lazily spinning
light snow
:- Doug.

I am in a swirling
of work that must be done
see the larger here and open!
:- Doug.
Narrowing circles
Community to family to nuclear family
Might be clues to approaching death
:- Doug.
The future has a life of its own
It is willing to hold hands
Even to play
:- Doug.
You have heard it said
Everything is made of smaller things
Atoms become buildings and puppies
But I say to you who have eyes
—Verily it is both ways around!
:- Doug.
Our personal knowledge has an expiration date of about 3 or 4 score years. Humanity must eventually be leaving, creating, moving on.
:- Doug.
What humanity has discovered, explored, dreamed, created, opened, belongs to all of us. We boost each other. We are greater together.
:- Doug.
We are not spacelings dropped onto earth; we are an outgrowth of the natural processes at work.
:- Doug.