Today’s Socrates will ask
Today’s Socrates will ask
Students not so they will find answers
On some webbed network
But so they will raise
Reflective questions
To carry us beyond answers
To more reflective questions
:- Doug.

Today’s Socrates will ask
Students not so they will find answers
On some webbed network
But so they will raise
Reflective questions
To carry us beyond answers
To more reflective questions
:- Doug.
Get over evidence! What possibilities we can imagine are larger than all pasts: let the dead pasts keep burying themselves. Our brains are plastic, our lives pliable. Make new. Make better.
:- Doug.
Observers participate in creating reality—this we are told by physics. So as observers of our politics, consumers of our economy, citizens of our jobs, professions, and the Web, we create these things everyday. Or let them wash over us, creating us to be pawns. Our creating can start with seeing other than accustomed characteristics and possibilities for what is. Suddenly, see more.
:- Doug.
In my 68th year I have health, energy, and am as happy as I can remember. But life is seldom a straight line: ought I do something to ready myself for decline? Yet how can I know the shape of that decline? Making memories of a full life might be a thing to do. Make strong my spiritual and larger practices—meditation/contemplation, writing, poetry, conversing—this is perhaps optimal preparation. These can prepare me to incline as a few things decline.
:- Doug.
What is the first thing we wish each other each year?That the year be happy. There is wisdom just beneath the surface here: wealth and fame are not what we want most; not even health. Yet on the second we go back to work and chase these second order goods when the first is at our hand.
:- Doug.
Do what pleases you
We carry hate
Not in our hands
Does it please you to carry
A stone in your stomach?
:- Doug.
When I have a thought
I want to ask
Is it a memory a twist
Or some new direction?
Is it limited in particles or waves?
Does it follow Newton or Bohm
Or Seuss?
:- Doug.
Washes over us gently
ever moving, peaceful
strong, irresistible
buoying, imperceptibly quick
a sea the world is
:- Doug.