You are the reflective moment
You are the reflective moment
Its seed
:- Doug.

Want to control
your colleagues, family, spouse?
It cannot be done
Control yourself first
If that works, you can turn to others
In everything withhold your hand
Out of compassion
:- Doug.
Do people doing mindless jobs
thereby know meditation?
the endless repetitions
like the breath in, breath out?
yes, when they attend
:- Doug.
At the moment our politics swings from extreme to extreme refusing to acknowledge the travels of the pendulum between. Both stops are valuable; both pulls are necessary: the work is done in the movements. Working together is what will keep us, if we do not want to fly apart.
:- Doug.
Help everyone
Serve no one
Serve the one
Hold space
For creating
Each uniquely serves their needs
To me ’tis a mystery loving
:- Doug.