stand silent
An opening
you stand silent
and alive
:- Doug.

You can’t know what you need to know
you’ll learn along the way
or you’ll have to make it up
:- Doug.
You’re it!
There is no great president
who will make us safe and free
who will make us a better world
No one else, it’s up to you
:- Doug.
A big problem of humankind is our straight line thinking things will keep on as they have even though they were quite different four years ago. Economics, health, family: all dominated by the unchanging straight line. We could think, or even observe, and know better.
;- Doug.
I am wondering whether it is worthwhile to push to look for insights. Can I see more when I am looking? Be careful you let the seeing see itself and let in what comes from sideways on.
:- Doug.
Why do we feel better when the sun is out and skies are blue, than when we are covered over with a fluffy comforter?
:- Doug.
Today in your holiday preparations, think of one less thing to do.
:- Doug.