Invite and welcome
Invite and welcome, since this is a home feeling thing for all people.
:- Doug.
The group flow state is an experience everyone has. That being so, then am I working toward eliciting that?
:- Doug.
It is fear that holds us back from all change. From one another. The strongest antidote, the only antidote, is love. Love is what we most fear.
:- Doug.
Perhaps capitalism is the greatest engine of change in this world. Perhaps it too needs its own medicine: change.
:- Doug.
Welcome home, my good friend
People recognize home
When they haven’t been there for a long time
:- Doug.
Don’t predict the future
Don’t even get out of the way
Get in the way
:- Doug.
Despite its great show of force, the world does not like to be forced. It wants to be welcomed to be itself: at home.
:- Doug.
Suspending, in-directing, releasing even the new, opening: these are the gestures we need, and need to leave. Leave because even they start from separation.
:- Doug.