Conversation goes beyond communication
Conversation goes beyond communication
we can use it to process:
even generating
if we are willing
if we invite
:- Doug.

Conversation goes beyond communication
we can use it to process:
even generating
if we are willing
if we invite
:- Doug.
In probate, I am getting your son or daughter a license from a judge to exercise the court’s authority over your finances to settle them and make them final and complete. There are versions with and without close supervision. But it is your kids who call the shots. They decide how soon it is done and at what level of cost.
:- Doug.
The meaning of life being living and life being larger than any one, we therefore get our life’s most fundamental meaning from serving something in life larger than ourselves.
:- Doug.
Today we have a place to
Breathe for you
Eat for you
& Keep you safely
—Everything you’d ever
Want—O my!
:- Doug.